Sunday 30 May 2010

A night with a camera for single use..

Somewhere in April I told you about the pop-up bar Sirena. 6 weeks later now and they almost gonna close the place... but not before the waterview had a real party!! A night with Just Nathan, Waxx and San Soda in the Sirena was on the agenda on Friday.

A perfect night for a tête-à-tête with a disposable camera.. Love these things, finally a camera that fits in my bag, bye bye pain in the back! Let's point and shoot and forget the digital world for once!!

And it seems I'm not the only disposable camera lover, found this blog with some awesome night life pictures:

The Day I Fell in Love With Morocco (part 2)

In the first part of our trip we explored the North and the Rif Mountains. In Part two we took a step back in time in the cultural, inte...